
Observing a Serverless Electronic Health Record

with Benjamen Pyle

Thursday, February 8th @12pm Pacific

Zoom link provided in confirmation email


#BelieveInServerless community is bringing you Real World Serverless insights with Benjamen Pyle's observability deep dive.  Come learn about the three pillars of observability and how to apply them in a Serverless design.

Why you should care? What matters most?  Which tools should you evaluate?  Should you use Open Telemetry or lean into a vendor?  Ever wonder how you can build Serverless applications that are observable regardless of the programming language or framework you choose? With a heavy focus on observing Lambdas, he'll show you how to apply those techniques into other services such as SQS, Kinesis and more.  Benjamen will dive into all of these topics and how he's seen them play out in a real work Electronic Health Record.

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