

Buckle Up, We're Getting Event Driven

with James Eastham

Thursday, March 7th @10am Pacific

Zoom link provided in confirmation email


Join us for a session with James Eastham, Senior Cloud Architect at AWS, as he talks about building event-driven applications — a key trend in building modern, serverless software. James will break down what it means to go event-driven, why it's useful, and what you might have to give up to get there.
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Learn from James' real-world experience on how this approach can make your apps more flexible, reliable, and ready to grow. He'll share tips and tricks, from the basics to more complex ways to connect different parts of your app, making it easier to manage and improve.
This talk is perfect for anyone interested in making their apps work better and scale easily, especially developers and software architects. You'll walk away with practical advice you can use to make your own projects better with EDA.


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