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Mo's Lunch and Learn:

Learning Anatomy of a Langchain

Chatbot with Momento

Thursday, October 26th

12:00pm - 1:00pm  PDT, or universally "UTC-7"

Virtual: Zoom link provided in confirmation email

Momento's Khawaja Shams and Michael Landis change the narrative on vector indexing.

The unsung element at the heart of the Ux revolution lead by chatbots is search! Langchain offers  building blocks to create chatbots, but understanding the underpinning components goes a long way in tuning your projects. This week, we delve into the anatomy of chatbots, explore embeddings, and place special focus on search. Search is the driving force behind successful chatbots, separating experimental demos from polished solutions.

Join us for a live session, bring your questions, and let's learn together!